Elias Fischer lives in Berlin and works there as a spiritual life coach. He helps people and especially men to find clarity about themselves and their own path in life. With his methods, men can find out what they really want, how to achieve it and thus create a life that fulfills them deeply and expresses their true potential.
Bewusstseins- Männercoaching Berlin
His latest work is the book for men “Erwachter Mann” (awakened man).

I accompany people on their way to themselves.
So they find what they are looking for on the inside, on the inside.
peace, happiness, love.
This is how man realizes why he exists and where he is going.
He can go his own way in a self-determined and confident manner.
I call this path self-realization.
This fulfills the deepest longing of man:
To know yourself and to live in freedom.
A fulfilled life in inner joy occurs.
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